Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Governor

PushpaRaj Acharya
Kathmandu, March 19
Dr.YubRaj Khatiwoda is PhD. in monetary economics. Khatiwoda was born in Taplejung, 13 august 1956. He get doctorate from Delhi University in 1991. He starts his works in NRB (Nepal Rastra Bank) as an auxiliary officer in 1983. He worked as a Investigation officer from 1991 to 1993 in NRB. Worked as an Economic adviser he becomes chief economic advisor since 2001 to 2008. He worked as a member of planning commission member, when he was in NRB.
It is an agglutination while he was in NRB he becomes member of NPC (National Planning commission), and now he goes NRB become a governor from the Vice chairman of NPC. He is guest professor of Tribhuwan University, Purbanchal University and Kathmandu University.
He was a convener of High-level fiscal reform workforce. He also works as a petroleum products price rating committee.
He prepares the report about 'Empowerment and Poverty alleviation' and in leading role of convenes Poverty and Mid Term expenditure structure. He plays important role in improvement of poor industries, privatization of public enterprises and fiscal reform committees.
He was a chairman of Nepal Management Association (MAN), for two working period in 1998 & 2001. He was an advisor of cooperative bank since 2006 and 2008.
He works on Mongolia, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Laos, Nepal, Sri-lanka, Bangladesh and Bhanuatu as a senior Adviser of UNDP on Asia-pacific Region. He prepares a report about 'poor people oriented development strategy.'
He published dozen of books and Articles about Human Development, International Trade, Poverty alleviation, Economic policy and monetary policy and its structural integration.

1 comment:

  1. आवेदक ध्यान।

    2015-2016 ऋण लगानी प्रस्ताव 3% दर मात्र। म श्री एडम्स केभिन AKLM बीमा कम्पनी, को एक प्रतिनिधि हुँ इमेल: (

    * व्यक्तिगत ऋण।
    * व्यापार ऋण।
    * निवेश ऋण।
    * घर ऋण।
    * विद्यार्थी ऋण।

    यहाँ तपाईं तत्काल श्री एडम्स केभिन ऋण लगानी देखि ऋण को लागि एक मौका छ। जरुरी ऋण जानकारीको लागि ( सम्पर्क इमेल

    आवेदन 2015 बाहिर छ।

    बताएँ: +187499384874
